Chenglai Special Purpβ↔•₩ose Vehicle Co., Ltd. Introduction'φ←
程力專用汽車股份有限公司銷售十五分公司(簡稱“程力專汽”)是(s Ω♠hì)程力汽車(chē)集團股份有(yǒu)限公司旗下(xià <)全資子(zǐ)公司,位于炎帝神農(nóng)故裡(lǐ)、編制(zhì)α¶σ✔古樂(yuè)之鄉(xiāng)、中國(guó)專用(yβ<€òng)汽車(chē)之都(dōu)——湖(hú)北(běi)省随γ"↓州市(shì)曾都(dōu)區(qū)南(nán)郊,成立于2004年(nián)9月Ω∏Ω(yuè),注冊資金(jīn)1億元,公司現(xiàn)有(yǒ↕∞•u)總資産16.45億元,占地(dì)面積610畝,在崗職工(gōng™π×)1786人(rén),主要(yào)經營範圍汽車(chē)整車(chē)、專用(yòng)汽δ£車(chē)、新能(néng)源汽車(chΩ$™ē)、應急保障車(chē)輛(liàng)的(de)技(jì)術(shù)研發、制(zhì)造"≈¶♥、銷售、服務。
公司先後通(tōng)過ISO9001質量管理(•♥lǐ)、ISO 14001環境管理(lǐ)、ISO4¶§ 5001職業(yè)健康安全管理(lǐ)↑¥₹等體(tǐ)系認證,售後服務五星、3C強制(zhì)性認證、汽車(∏'≤ chē)節能(néng)環保認證、汽車(chē)免征認證、美(měi)國(guó)機(jī)械工(← ∑∞gōng)程師(shī)阿斯米(ASME)認證、歐盟協議(yì)A≤₽•₹DR等各項管理(lǐ)認證,擁有(yǒu)專用(yòε☆↑÷ng)汽車(chē)、汽車(chē)整車(>←chē)、新能(néng)源汽車(chē)、随車♠ (chē)起重機(jī)、汽車(chē)吊、消防車(chē)等生(shēng)産資質。
公司“程力威”商标産品暢銷國(guó)內(nèi)外(wài)市(shì)場(chǎ&≠±ng),并出口尼日(rì)利亞、加納、安哥(gē)拉、玻利維亞、智利、柬埔寨、σ±←♥緬甸等50多(duō)個(gè)國(guó)家(jiā)和(hé ↑π)地(dì)區(qū)。公司先後被金(jīn)融機(jī)構評為(wèi)A↑←≤AA企業(yè),湖(hú)北(běi)省工(gōng< )商局評為(wèi)“守合同重信用(yòng)”企∑∞業(yè),湖(hú)北(běi)省科(kē)技(jì)廳評β×≈為(wèi)“具有(yǒu)發展潛力企業(yè)”、“高(gāo)新技(jì)術(shù)企業(γ÷★€yè)”等榮譽稱号。公司黨委被湖(hú)北(běi)省省委"₹"σ組織部評為(wèi)“全省非公有(yǒu)制(zhì)企業(yè)雙強百佳黨組織”,省委、省政府授 β予“湖(hú)北(běi)省優秀民(mín)營企業(yè)”, 中華全國(guó)工(§♥gōng)商業(yè)聯合會(huì)、國(guó)務院扶貧領導小(xiǎo)組辦公₽₩≥室授予“全國(guó)“萬企幫萬村(cūn)”精準扶貧行(xíng>α"')動先進民(mín)營企業(yè)”,中華全國(guó)總工(gōn™✔©≈g)會(huì)授予“全國(guó)就(jiù)業(yè)與社會(huì)保障先進民(mín)營企•∏>業(yè)”。公司“程力威”産品被評為(wèi)湖(hú)北(běi)省名牌産₹₹品;公司 “程力威”榮獲湖(hú)北(běi)省著名≥∑商标、中國(guó)馳名商标。2022年(nián),公司位列中國(guóδ∑€)民(mín)營企業(yè)500強第389位,中國(guó×÷♣)制(zhì)造業(yè)民(mín)營∑"企業(yè)500強第242位;湖(hú)北(běi)民(mín)營企業(yè)100強第® π16位,湖(hú)北(běi)民(mín)營企業(yè)制(zhì)造業(λ¶$εyè)100強第6位。
Chenglai Special Purpose↓α Vehicle Co., Ltd. (referσ☆red to as "Chenglai Speciaδ¶l Vehicle") is aπ★ wholly-owned subsidiary of Chenglai A¥→utomotive Group Co., Ltd. Locε $ated in the southern outskirts of Zengdu Di↕↕∏strict, Suizhou City, Hubei™δ₹ Province, China, which is known for being tλ≤≠he hometown of the legendary Yellow Emp÷¶£'eror, the origin of ancient music notation'✘, and the capital of specialized veh±∏icles in China. Established in September 2004✔÷Ω, the company has a registered capital of → 100 million RMB, total assets of 1.645 bil•>lion RMB, occupies an area o♥€σ≤f 610 mu, and employs 1,786 staff members. It∑'←✔s main business scope inclu¥→des the technical research and development,♥§ manufacturing, sales, and servicingΩ♠®♠ of complete vehicles, specialized vehicles,₽§ new energy vehicles, and emergency supp•<ort vehicles.
The company has successively obt∑αained certifications for ISO 9001 quality m←×anagement, ISO 14001 environ→απmental management, ISO 45001 occupatioγ'>≈nal health and safety managemen> t, as well as certifications for a five-star a≥∑₽₩fter-sales service, 3C mandatory ce ∑♠≤rtification, automobile ene ∑☆rgy conservation and environmental prot↔≈€ection certification, aλ€♠utomobile exemption ≥'certification, American Society¥σ of Mechanical Enginee>Ωrs (ASME) certificati☆₩™✔on, and European Agreem₹✘÷ent concerning the International Carr↑£β∑iage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR)ε©, among other management certific∞↕≠ations. It possesses production qual✘≥™ifications for specialized vehicles,λ¥★∏ complete vehicles, new energy vehicles, on-boa↓↕δ∞rd cranes, automobile ho♣¥γαists, fire trucks, and more.
Products bearing the ">δChenglai Wei" trademark from the £βcompany are well-received in domestic a↓↕nd international markets, with exports to ove☆↕♠r 50 countries and regions, inclu↑←ding Nigeria, Ghana, Angola, B¥★olivia, Chile, Cambodia, Myanmβ™σδar, and many others.
The company has been rated a≈←>s an AAA enterprise by financial instituti €ons, recognized as a "Con"αtract-Honoring and Credit-Respe₽× cting" enterprise by Hubei Pr✔α ovincial Administration for Indu♣÷&≥stry and Commerce, and awarded var₽∏®±ious honors by Hubei P≥φ★×rovincial Department of Scie< ♣nce and Technology, suchα₹≤ as "Enterprises with Development Poteελ₩ntial" and "High-Tech Enterp↔δrise." The company✔¶↓™39;s Party Committee has bee•≥n recognized as one of the "Top 100 Party ∏¶←Organizations among Non-Public Enterprise§≈s in Hubei Province" by the Organization Dep∞σartment of the Hubei Pr→★€ovincial Party Committee. The company h≠¶§as also received accolades ®✔↑from the Hubei ProvincΩ•×ial Government as an &≈•quot;Excellent Private≠∞ Enterprise in Hubei Province" and ↓♥εfrom the All-China Federation of Industry a ♠nd Commerce and the Office of the Leadi ± ng Group of Poverty Alleviation ™←$≈under the State Council as an &q×uot;Advanced Private Enterprise in the ₽₽'Ten Thousand Enterp≈λ♠rises Helping Ten Thousand Village←≤€©s' Precise Poverty Alleviation Camδ π☆paign." The &quε∑"≠ot;Chenglai Wei" products have been named§₹♦₹ as famous brand products in ≈←Hubei Province, and the "Chenglai Wei&©♥÷≈quot; brand has been awarded the titles of€← "Famous Trademark of Hubei Province"∞ × and "China Well-Known Trademark.&qu×↑φot; In 2022, the compan←πy was ranked 389th in the "Top 500 Priβ vate Enterprises in China←&," 242nd in the &®φ÷≤quot;Top 500 Private M ×anufacturing Enterprises i'←σn China," 16th in the "Top 100 P←≈"♣rivate Enterprises in Hubei Province," and <₹↓6th in the "Top 100 Private Manufact&®±uring Enterprises in ✘×∑Hubei Province."